Friday, February 19, 2010

Sore Big Toe With Red Around Nail What's Wrong With My Toe?

What's Wrong With My Toe? - sore big toe with red around nail

I ordered a hot meal right on top of the big toe a year ago. The pain was the worst that I ever was. A blood blister formed and the nail is finally out. Yet another nail was driven. Suddenly, my fingers started to really bad again. I had to move out of my shoes. Then the pain disappeared and I thought at first somewhat taken. Now the pain is back and my foot is swollen and red around the nail. I will soon see a doctor, but I wanted someone's opinion on why it still hurts. Can someone tell me what could be the problem?


Nick H said...

its very likely that you have an ingrown toenail. They occur most commonly the big toe and it is a simple procedure, the doctor can do to remedy the situation. because of the injury a year ago, its very likely that the nail growth poor. Also you should cut the nails straight and wear suitable shoes. Further questions email me.

fancynam... said...

Sounds like you might have an ingrown toenail, is a result of infury First, in simple terms, the nail grows inward. Perhaps you have a fungal infection of nails, in the event that you have held in May shall be, etc Model Lamisil last nail growth was due to an injury.

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