Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Allergic Reactions To Toffee Allergic Reactions?

Allergic reactions? - allergic reactions to toffee

my friend is allergic to shrimp. What are the causes of the allergic reaction after eating?


eloquent said...

Histamine reaction. Get certified in CPR and how to recognize dependent allergic reaction.

Jill said...

My brother was by an allergy to shrimp ... the eyes to swell, gets a fat lip and sometimes begin to close the neck can ... can be a serious problem. Then tell your friend to be careful and should bear an Epi Pen w / her, just in case.

Steven R said...

It is an encouragement by the immune system so that the iodine in shellfish. Should probably allergic to Betadine and / or iodine. Your body is the release of histamine, because the body does not like shrimp and iodine is trying to protect her, but her body is more receptive and histamine release. Therefore, in Benadryl allergic reactions, antihistamines, I have a need to take Benadryl before eating chicken ... yes, I am allergic to chicken. Sound silly, but it happens. An allergy bracelet would not be a bad idea. If something to him, and paramedics need to start an intravenous infusion to happen (use of iodine on the website before you can be a IV) a very bad thing to prove, especially if unconsciously cleanaware.

lala said...

Look up:) because I do not know

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